

August 01, 2021

"Jesus Christ's Father ('God') reminded me of Jor-El's persona, when he responded to his son... while He was being crucified ('theoretically')... The 4 responses were:

1. 'I have not...'

2. 'I have not b l...'

3. 'I have nothing but love...'

4. 'I have never seen shit, like this, before...'


...The responses were addressing whether or not he had forsaken Jesus Christ, and the first three are definitive, but the fourth is contingent upon Him having been ambushed... by a Martian spy... when he arrived at the Crucifixion site..." - Michael Izuchukwu


August 01, 2021

"I am the vine, and you are the branches... If you remain in me, and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing..." - John 15:5


"The above passage is in reference to Jesus Christ... He was born of the Virgin Mary, and was likely sent to Earth... for the redemption of the sins, of humanity... Given that Angel Gabriel had instructed His mother, to name Him 'Jesus'... Jesus Christ must have been no ordinary child..." - Michael Izuchukwu

3:03 PM (10/10/22):
"Even though Pontius Pilate had sentenced Jesus Christ, for Crucifixion... I suspect that Emperor Tiberius, may have secretly authorized such... ...out of fear, that Jesus was amassing too much influence... regarding His relations, to the 'peasantry'..." - Michael Izuchukwu

(a face sculpture of Emperor Tiberius Julius Caesar Augustus, the second Roman emperor)
My theory has credence, in the context... of Jesus and the emperor... sharing the same initials, when one thinks of the honorific which was given to Jesus... of 'Christ'... and the part of the emperor's name, being 'Julius Caesar'...

3:22 PM (10/10/22): "A hunch of mine is that if this theory is correct, that Jesus Christ was 'clairvoyant'... and after His Resurrection (3 days after His Crucifixion), Jesus decided to be amongst His 11 remaining apostles... for 40 days, partially because He may have sensed... that Emperor Tiberius would die in the year AD 37 (37 years after that of Himself)... the implication here, is that given that the number/integer '40' is larger than '37,' by '3'... that Jesus Christ was merely attempting to state, 'pay attention to the number three'... given the syllable count of His name, and that... which had transpired (during His life, and after that 'brief return')..." - Michael Izuchukwu
Gab.com - Gab Social (www.gab.com/whiz112):

My favorite text of the following blog, of mine... is the following: 'Thus all the days of Enoch were three hundred sixty-five years. Enoch walked with God; then he was no more…' 

1:54 PM (1/29/23):
In the context of the 'above' song, 'øfdream - thelema slowed & bass boosted long versoin'... I imagined that God the Father, descended from the sky (in human shape/form) and then Enoch kept pace with him... after being approached... for about 30 minutes (to this tune), before vanishing... in a flash of light...

2:11 PM (1/29/23):
By contrast, Elijah (of the bible) was taken to heaven by a whirlwind... after a chariot (and horses) of fire, appeared... God the Father has mysterious ways (even though his will is more obscure), but when Jesus Christ (God the Son) was on the cross... from 12 PM to 3 PM, there was tremendous darkness in the sky... and such likely is when, God the Father... paid Jesus Christ a visit (3 hours). This is in the context, of the fact that during Jesus' 9-hour Crucifixion... for the first 3 hours, He had been transporting a '100-pound' cross... prior to dangling from one, for 6 hours (Jesus' demise was at 3 PM)... but He would Resurrect 3 days later, prior to departing to heaven... 40 days, after that...

2:42 PM (1/29/23):

2:56 PM (1/29/23):
Definitely supernatural (there is a difference between noon, and midnight)...
